The way we live now: the rise of the energy-producing home

ZEB house overhead

Design projects across the world are experimenting with new ways to generate energy through the built environment

The ZEB house is one example of a new type of property designed to produce surplus energy. Photograph: EVE

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Elisabeth Braw

Monday 16 March 2015 13.49 GMT Last modified on Thursday 19 March 2015 15.28 GMT

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Imagine living in a house that contributed to society: a house that produced energy, while consuming none itself. Well, imagine no more. After perfecting the “passivhaus”, which consumes minimal energy, engineers and architects have developed the energy positive house.

Generating energy is one thing, building a house is another. But with its plant-decorated walls and enormous double-glazed windows, the ArchiBlox Positive House, introduced in Melbourne’s City Square last month, looks elegant and modernist. “The trick is to make the sustainable and performance products visually pleasing while also practical,” reports David Martin, construction director of the ArchiBlox Positive House – the world’s first pre-fab energy positive house.

viaThe way we live now: the rise of the energy-producing home | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian.


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